Welcome to the user guide


A short command story

@DiceRoller  # Get the bot prefix on your server. Defaults to !
!setprefix $  # Because you're an admin and you want to
$setprefix !  # Because you changed your mind
!settings  # View your user's settings
!settings verbose=True  # And update them right away
!roll 1d20 adv +3  # Roll 1 20-side die, reroll it and keep the best, then add +3
!reroll  # Because you do not want to retype it
!save hit 1d20 adv +3  # Because you REALLY do not want to retype it, so now it's mapped to `hit`
!use hit  # That's faster than `!roll 1d20 adv +3`
!clear 20  # Faster than cleaning up the messages manually
!save damage 1d10 2d4 +3  # Might as well have several shortcuts
!save hit 1d20 adv +4  # You can override existing one as well
!show  # Just in case you forgot your shortcuts
!remove damage  # In case you change your mind
!removeall  # If you want to clean up your shortcuts
!about  # Because you care about my work

Output examples

Invite the bot

First, you need to add the bot to your guild(s). To do so, simply click this link and choose which guild/server you want it to join. This link includes the bot’s request for permissions, which are:

Permission Why?
View Channels To interact with various channels
Send Messages To respond to your command calls in the right channel
Manage Messages To delete his messages and the users’ command calls when using the clear command
Read Message History Same reason as Manage Messages

Command list

First, let’s see which commands are available. They have been grouped by category to make it easier to read. As for the parameter legend:

Command Description
Rolling dice  
reroll Rolls the dice using the same settings as the user’s last valid dice roll
roll [instruction]* Rolls the dice using the provided instructions
use [shortcut] ?[instruction]* Rolls the dice using a user’s shortcut and maybe additional instructions
Shortcut management  
remove [shortcut] Removes one specific shortcut for the user
removeall Removes all of the user’s shortcuts
save [shortcut] [instruction]* Creates a new shortcut mapped to those instructions for the user
show Shows the list of existing shortcuts for the user
about Provides a recap of the bot main information (author, version, links, etc.)
clear [qty] Checks the N last messages and removes those that are command calls or belongs to the bot
help List all the existing commands and provides some helpful links
ping Simply checks if the bot is up and running
@DiceRoller Mention him to know what command prefix he responds to
setprefix [value] Change the command prefix at the guild/server level. Needs admin privileges
settings ?[name=value]* Shows the user current settings and allows editing on the fly

Roll instructions

The commands you’ll be using the most are roll, use, and save. All three expect a set of roll instructions that follows specific rules. Those instructions can be split into 4 categories


Category Required? Description Example
Dice Required (1 or more) Dice to roll at the start 3d20 or 1d20 2d6
Action Optional (1 max) A specific action applied to your dice See the list of actions below
Modifier Optional (1 max) A raw number to add/subtract at your final total +10 or -5
Check Optional (1 max) Automatically performs the check at the end of the roll >10 or <=15


Action Description Comment
adv Rerolls and keeps the best Usable if rolling only 1 die
dis Rerolls and keeps the worst Usable if rolling only 1 die
Keep/Drop X Example: 5d8 dl3 Usable only if enough dice and only 1 die type
dh[X] Drops the X best dice  
dl[X] Drops the X worst dice  
kh[X] Keeps the X best dice  
kl[X] Keeps the X worst dice  
crit Double all your original dice Works with any number of dice. Applied before the modifier


!roll 3d10 # Simply roll 3 die of 10 sides 
!roll 1d10 adv +5 # Roll 1d10, reroll it and keeps the best, then add 5
!roll 2d10 crit -1 >25 # Roll 2d10, multiply the result by 2, subtract 1, checks if higher than 25
!save test 1d10 adv # 'test' is now bound to "1d10 adv"
!use test # Is equivalent to "!roll 1d10 adv"
!use test +5 # We can add other compatible instructions on top of it


The settings command is a bit special as it allows you to both see and set your settings.

Here are the available settings:

Setting Default value Description
verbose True Makes the output of roll and use more detailed

Found a bug?

You can report any potential issue directly on the GitHub repository